“You may avoid suffering and sorrow if you don’t risk, but you simply cannot learn, feel, change, grow, love, live. The greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing. The person who risks nothing, does nothing and has nothing. Only a person who risks is free.”
— Bob Proctor, Motivational Coach
「若不冒險,或許你能避開苦難或哀傷,但你會因此不能學習、感受、改變、成長、愛別人、生活。人生最大的危害是不冒任何險,不冒任何險的人什麼事都不做且一無所有,唯有冒險的人才能擁有自由。」– 包柏‧普克 (勵志導師)
- suffering (n.) 痛苦,受苦。例:the suffering of the refugees during the civil war (內戰期間難民所受的痛苦)。sorrow (n.) 悲傷,痛心。例。a time of great sorrow (感到非常痛心的時刻)。hazard (n.) 危險,危害。例:heath hazard caused by water pollution (水污染所造成的健康危害)。
- 包柏‧普克特是電影《祕密》裡的講師之一,從事個人成長訓練已超過 40 年,他的訓練諮詢主軸是以「吸引力法則」理論為基礎。